
Leftover tortillas = baked tortilla chips

I'm not sure why I haven't thought to do this before, it's so easy to make tortilla chips at home. If you're anything like me you have tortillas on the counter or in the fridge all the time. Yesterday I noticed I had 2 cilantro-jalapeno tortillas, a couple regular and a few wheat tortillas hanging around. So I cut them up into little pizza-like slices, brushed olive oil on both sides and sprinkled salt on them. I stuck them on a cookie sheet in a pre-heated 400 degree oven for five minutes on each side and there you go, homemade tortilla chips! 


Jessica said...

I make my own tortilla chips all the time now. I'm cooking my way through The Joy of Cooking and that is one of the top ten so far :) Easy, cheap, and better than store-bought.

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